AMK The Modern Kitchen Service GmbH

AMK The Modern Kitchen Service GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Moderne Küche e.V. (AMK) and makes a comprehensive service offering available to companies in the kitchen industry.

The portfolio of services ranges from the sale of AMK’s ergonoMeter and AMK Kitchen Companion (AMK Ratgeber Küche), through exhibition and event management as well as public relations, to the organisation and realisation of “Kitchen Day” (Tag der Küche).

With the “AMK Academy” training programme, opportunities for vocational and further training suitable for our target groups are offered. Promoting and increasing the attractiveness of training to become a kitchen specialist is another field of activity for Service GmbH.

AMK Service GmbH will, on request, undertake the development and sale of new product and service ideas identified by our working groups. The resulting profits in turn benefit AMK and thus all of its members and the entire industry.