AMK Press Releases

Cosy combined kitchens/living rooms with dining areas

The high appeal of a new combined kitchen/living room lies in the fact that today, it is the focal point of the modern living experience. No matter what size it may be, an inviting dining area can be realised even in smaller rooms with intelligent planning. Because it is an important part of its charm, […]

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Men and Women – as different as their kitchens

At present, almost 17 million people in Germany live in single-person households. Just over half, namely 8.7 million of these are women and 8.1 million are men. Environmental psychologists can determine whether a man or woman lives in a certain single home, simply by looking at the kitchen facilities. Obviously, traditional patterns still play a […]

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The latest trends form the LivingKitchen Kitchen 2019: High-tech centre with a soul

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It is indispensable as a functional room for cooking and as a homely meeting point. Today, kitchen planning has so many versatile options that it has become a “Make a wish” kitchen. That almost sounds like witchcraft, and in fact that’s what it really is. The vast […]

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